How It Works

Orientation Adjustments Settings

Easy Orientation for Disabled Website Visitors: These adjustments are for people with vision impairments, cognitive disabilities, and motor impairments. These settings allow users to engage faster with fewer distractions. 

Orientation Adjustments: Hide Images, Mute Sounds, Useful Links, ReadMode, Reading Guide, Reading Mask, Highlight Focus, Highlight Hover, Big White Cursor, and Big Black Cursor.

Easy Orientation for Disabled Website Visitors: These adjustments are for people with vision impairments, cognitive disabilities, and motor impairments. These settings allow users to engage faster with fewer distractions. 

Orientation Adjustments: Hide Images, Mute Sounds, Useful Links, ReadMode, Reading Guide, Reading Mask, Highlight Focus, Highlight Hover, Big White Cursor, and Big Black Cursor.

Interface Settings

Shortcuts and guiding elements to orient your website for people with vision impairments, cognitive disabilities, or motor impairments.

Play Video

Hide Images

Standard Default without header Orientation Adjustments - Hide Images

See how the screen appears when activating the accessibility settings. Move the slider left or right < > to see the contrast. 

Reading Mask

Standard Default with header Orientation Adjustments - Reading Mask

See how the screen appears when activating the accessibility settings. Move the slider left or right < > to see the contrast. 

Read Mode

Standard Default without header Orientation Adjustments - Read Mode

See how the screen appears when activating the accessibility settings. Move the slider left or right < > to see the contrast. 

Make Your Website Accessible