TD Ameritrade Settles Blind Woman’s Web Accessibility Lawsuit
TD Ameritrade and some other brokerage firms that have been sued in similar discrimination cases this year, the settlement would end the prospect of expensive
TD Ameritrade and some other brokerage firms that have been sued in similar discrimination cases this year, the settlement would end the prospect of expensive
We should all celebrate Michael Hudson’s commitment to making Site Search and Select ADA-compliant because it sets a powerful example of how companies should strive
Having experienced first-hand the struggles with gender identity, education, ability, and belief throughout her journey to gain acceptance, ADA compliance presents a vital opportunity for
How You Can Make Your Website Accessible to People with Disabilities. 95% of today’s websites are NOT accessible. What are the implications for website owners?
Over 12,000 people filed lawsuits under Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 2021. In California, the Unruh Civil Rights Act allow
Since 1996, the Department of Justice has consistently taken the position that the ADA applies to web content. Resources and Sample Cases pursued by the
Title III ADA lawsuits and settlements can affect companies of all sizes across various industries. Here are some of the most high-profile cases to make
This case established the first precedent in the country regarding website accessibility for commercial websites. The court ruled that commercial websites such as Target.com are
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